Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Curitiba Day 2 Part 2

After the botanical gardens, we went for a tour of the future World Cup stadium in Curitiba, this was such a nice privilege and not many people get to stand on the field and walk through the same spot the players do.

Standing on the field where players will be playing the World Cup matches in 2014!

Lunch at Madalosso, the biggest restaurant in Curitiba, they feed you so much food here!

Tangua Park, one of the beautiful parks around Curitiba, the view was amazing!

The view from one direction, pictures do not do it justice!

Waiting for our ride for a night out at Taj, a very fancy Japanese bar, it was so dark in there we needed flashlights to read the menu!

Afterwards, Taj was a blast!

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